Monday, March 26, 2007

Kapha Dosha And Subdoshas

The main features of Kapha are structure and moistness. These subdoshas are responsible for keeping tissues and joints soundly knit and well lubricated ; the moist senses, taste and smell, are also governed by Kapha.

Kledaka Kapha: Located in the stomach

This subdosha keeps the stomach lining moist and is essential for digestion. The stomach is an extremely important site of Kapha as a whole, since excessive buildupof this dosha appears here first.
In balance, Kledaka Kapha gives a strong, supple, well-lubricated stomach lining.
Imbalance of Kledaka Kapha is linked to impaired digestion (usually too slow and heavy).

Avalambaka Kapha: Located in the heart, chest, and lower back

Kapha’s seat is in the chest, so this is an important subdosha. Avalambaka Kapha keeps the chest, lungs, and back strong. A typical Kapha’s physical stamina comes from these areas, so the Kapha physique usually exhibits a powerful chest and shoulders.
In balance, Avalambaka Kapha provides strong muscles and protects the heart. Troubles develop when it goes out of balance, leading to chest congestion, wheezing, asthma, and congestive heart failure, depending on the seriousness of the imbalance. Under these conditions, Kapha types lose their accustomed energy and freedom from disease. Smoking is one of the worst insults to this critical subdosha.
Imbalance of Avalambaka Kapha is linked to respiratory problems of all types, lethargy, and lower back pain.

Bhodaka Kapha: Located in the tongue

This subdosha allows us to perceive taste. Kaphas respond to the world primarily through taste, along with its companion sense, smell. In Kapha types who have abused the sense of taste, compulsive eating becomes a problem. The taste buds lose their sensitivity if you eat too much or too often. They are also desensitized by concentrating on only a few taste sensations. When taste goes, the body becomes much more liable to other Kapha problems, such as obesity, food allergies, congestion of mucous membranes, and diabetes.
Imbalance of Bhodaka Kapha is linked to impairment of taste buds and salivary glands.

Tarpaka Kapha: Located in the same cavities, head, and spinal fluid

Keeping the nose, mouth, and eyes moist protects these sense organs; maintenance of spinal fluid is essential for the central nervous system. All of this is controlled by Tarpaka Kapha, which should be fluid and movable. When it goes out of balance, this subdosha becomes clogged or excessively runny, the two sides of typical Kapha sinus problems.
Imbalance of Tarpaka Kapha is linked to sinus congestion, hay fever, sinus headache, impaired sense of smell, and general dullness of senses.

Shleshaka Kapha: Located in the joints

Through this subdosha, the only one that is not localized, Kapha lubricates every joint in the body. Most Kapha imbalances appear in the chest, spreading up the head. The main exception is aching joint, which can appear anywhere. Too much Vata in a joint dries it out, creating arthritic symptoms; too much Pitta heats and inflames a joint, causing rheumatoid symptoms; too much Kapha creates loose or watery joints.
Imbalance of Shleshaka Kapha is linked to loose, watery, or painful joints and various joint diseases.

1 comment:

knowthyself said...

Thank you for the information. How to increase tarpaka kapha?