Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine. Its aim is to provide guidance regarding food and lifestyle so that healthy people can stay healthy and people with health problems can improve their health.
Its recommendations will often be different for each person regarding which foods and which lifestyle they should follow in order to be completely healthy. This is due to its use of a constitutional model. It understands that there are energetic forces that influence nature and human beings. These forces are called the Tridoshas. It sees a strong connection between the mind and the body.Ayurveda is a science of life it helps maintain health by using the inherent principles of nature to bring the individual backs into equilibrium with their true self.
Ayurveda looks at each individual as a unique structure of the three doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha and five primary elements- ether (space), air, fire, water and earth. These elements present in the environment have great influence on us. Ether and air combine to form Vata dosha. Fire and water combine to form the Pitta dosha and water and earth combine to form Kupha dosha.Vata Dosha- Vata governs the principle of movement and therefore can be seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination.
Pitta Dosha- The Pitta dosha is the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients that our bodies can assimilate is a pitta function. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism.
Kapha Dosha- Kapha is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. Another function of the Kapha dosha is to offer protection. Cerebral-spinal fluid protects the brain and spinal column and is a type of Kapha found in the body. Also, the mucosal lining of the stomach is another example of the Kapha dosha protecting the tissues. We are all made up of unique proportions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Ayurveda suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing the dosha that has become excessive. It also suggests certain herbal supplements to hasten the healing process. If toxins in the body are abundant, then a cleansing process known as Pancha Karma is recommended to eliminate these unwanted toxins.
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